Saturday, May 10, 2014

Book Review: Wander & Roam by Anna Kyss

       WOW.  There are hardly words to describe what a beautiful and breath-taking story this is.  I feel so honored to have gotten the chance to be a part of Abby and Sage's lives.  The vulnerability and raw emotion in this book is thick enough to swallow.  Get you tissues ready, friends, because you will definitely be getting a case of the feels in this book!  If you need more convincing, know that I finished this book in a single day, complete with mac & cheese and chocolate.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am definitely adding it to my re-readable-worthy bookshelf.
       Abby is running from her past, trying to escape the consequences of her not being able to let go.  She is grasping onto her past so hard that it's hurting her.  She tries to heal on her own, shutting out the world by isolating herself.  Here, it's safe.  But she's unable to move on. She doesn't want to let go, doesn't want to forget.  Sage is running from his future, trying to push it far enough away that he won't catch up to it.  Both of them venture to Australia to get away from it all, to be in a place where no one knows them and no one will ask questions.  It is a place where they each can find a few weeks of contentment.  Australia was something they chose, something they could control.

       ~~"But do I have control over anything?
I couldn't control when Robbie left, after all.
I'm failing to control my attraction to Sage.
I cannot even control the tidal wave of
emotions trying to wipe me out. Maybe it
would be better just to go along with my life
and see where it takes me, instead of fighting
it every step of the way."  (Chapter 6)

       ~~"Holding onto Robbie for so long has been
 destructive. ...By refusing to let go, I nearly lost
 myself." (Chapter 19)

       I completely fell head-over-pillow for this book!  It is told from Abby's POV (point of view) and we get a glimpse into her thoughts and inner dialogue.  Overall the book is pretty clean, which I love!!!  I don't remember any swear words and, though there's plenty of times where I blushed right along with Abby, there are no detailed details that derail the beauty of their relationship.  You get what I'm saying?  You buying what I'm sellin'?  There's plenty of smoochin' but everything is hush-hush and stays PG.  A lot of times authors add intimate moments that don't really need to be read about; a book can be plenty romantic without all the naughties.
       Sage is one heck of a cutie!  I mean, how could Abby NOT fall for him.  Since her and Sage are the only two volunteers on the green farm in Australia, they are also sharing a hut, I mean, a yurt.  I know it's unthinkable that they start to fall for each other, after all, it's not like they're spending 24 hours a day together for a few weeks.  Sage has such a great outlook on life: he lives for the moment and concentrates on making the world a better place, in the little ways that he can.  Here's a little taste of his swoon-worthiness.  ;o)

       ~~"Good morning sleeping beauty."
Sage hands me a tin cup full of steaming coffee.
"Two sugars, no cream, if I remember right."
He took the time to memorize my coffee likes.
To hide my smile, I raise the cup and sip.
The hot liquid nearly scalds my mouth.
"Careful, I plan on using those later."
He traces my lips with one finger.
"Try not to burn them."  (Chapter 17)

       Sage and Abby's story is filled with overcoming personal tragedies, budding friendships, and hilarious conversations and witty banter.  But mostly their story is about growing and healing: healing by accepting the things you cannot change or control, healing by learning not to carry all of your burdens alone, and healing by letting go and losing yourself in the 'now'.
       The past and future don't define you... You cannot alter the past, neither is the future written in stone.  The best thing to do is to make memories of the life you are living right now.
Live in the present.
Live in the moment.
Live in the 'now'.

       ~~"You can't get more in the 'now' than that,"
Sage whispers in my ear. "Abandoning your fears to the
 pleasures of the moment? Wicked hot."  (Chapter 13)
**P.S. Look for the next book in the Wander series in late 2014!

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